Kit Kat Club Winners!

After painstakingly spilling over the submissions for Casa Del Shai’s “Life is a Cabaret, Old Chum” Flickr contest with a cigarette in one hand, a glass of cabernet in the other and classic Nina Simone playing in the background, it is my pleasure to announce the winners.

First, a special thank you to all those who entered their photos. I hope you had as much fun prancing around scantily clad in the kick-line ensemble as much as I enjoyed creating it.

Without further adieu, Casa Del Shai’s official Kit Kat Club revue (whom I will be contacting in the next few days):

Grand Prize: Shelby Ziskey

Second Place: Honeydew Lake

Third Place: Darkley Aeon

Honorable Mentions:

We had to mention these two entries who made fabulous impact on the judges. They both win $L500 each and will be contacted shortly.

Eve Kazan

Skell Dagger

9 thoughts on “Kit Kat Club Winners!

  1. Hey why didn’t you make these exact stockings in this exact shade without the run in them? That little flaw ruins these. They are so nice but people neglect to make stockings really good in the game. They treat it as a minor thing but it’s not =(

  2. aww im sorry to hear that. stockings are a bit hard to do in the limited avatar canvas that we have available in SL. Stockings aint a minor thing for me. I think the whole outfit will be ruined with terrible accessories. Ill try to make something better next time. 🙂 Keep you posted.

  3. Well they actually can be done really well in SL, and I know you of all people could do it. I really like Sheer’s stuff. They put a lot of detail in, but I like the style of yours too. You should make make some darker ones without the run in them. I think people would buy them. There’s a whole bunch of groups that are aimed at this specific clothing in sl.

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